
I am looking into the fast_template_detector package. Could you please answer several questions I have on the implementation of DOT:

1. I found that DOT from this package is not invariant to small translation (see section 3.3 of the paper "Dominant orientation templates for real-time of texture-less objects", S. Hinterstoisser). Is it true? Are there any plans to add it?

2. It seems that fast_template_detector does not support multi-scale recognition, i.e. we can detect objects of train size only. Can fast_template_detector find objects of different size?

3. What are the other differences between fast_template_detector's implementation of DOT and the original Hinterstoisser's paper or Hinterstoisser's DOT implementation (http://campar.in.tum.de/personal/hinterst/index/downloads.html)?

