On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 9:59 PM, S.Sudarshan <sudarshan85@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks for your replies.

I also had some trouble with yaml on my Mac. I solved it by installing py26-yaml:

sudo port install py26-yaml

I'm using python2.6 on OS X 10.6.

Hope this helps!

Gonçalo Cabrita
ISR University of Coimbra

I installed py26-yaml and tried easy_install again..no luck same error.

These problems are usually related to confusion between the version of
python that ships with Mac OS and the one that is installed by
Macports.  For example, you might be installing yaml for one, and
running the other, which subsequently can't find it.  So, I would
double-check to make sure you're installing yaml in the Macports
version of python 2.6 and running the same version. Try "sudo
python_select python26" if you haven't already, and try re-running
easy_install.  Also, /opt/local/bin should appear in your path before
/usr/bin.  Make sure you get /opt/local/bin/python when you run 'which
python' at a terminal.

"which python" gives me /usr/bin/python and not "/opt/local/bin". How can I make it so that it looks at /opt/local/bin?

sudo port install python_select (python_select.darwinports.com for docs but it looks down right now)

As far as easy_install... If I recall correctly there are multiple easy_installs (e.g. easy_install25, easy_install26, etc or something along those lines) that you could run, each that installs for a different version of Python.

Easiest test for whether or not yaml will import would be something along the lines of "/usr/bin/env python" and then try to "import yaml" in the interpreter that pops up. "/usr/bin/env python" is the shebang line all ROS python scripts should be using and should get you to whichever Python ROS will actually be using.

Hope that helps.

- Eric


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