Thank you for the reply.

Depending on how things go we may have to take a stab at implementing some pieces of UDPROS. Would there be any guidance that can be shared if we undertake this process? Are there others in the community willing to help?

Do you have an idea of how much of the code above the transport layer would need to be modified to allow the selection between TCPROS and UDPROS?


On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 2:41 AM, Ken Conley <> wrote:
UDP support has been on the roadmap but has been bumped by higher priorities.  I don't anticipate it getting in for Electric Turtle unless someone in the community is willing to pitch in.

 - Ken

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 5:14 PM, John Peabody Jr <> wrote:

I recently began a project that uses ROS and we are looking to leverage ROSPY. It is actually a ROS node on a mobile device so we are utilizing the great work done by the gentlemen at TUM (

The issue however, is that we would like to subscribe to topics using ROSUDP within ROSPY. We would rather have the ability to drop connection and have it come back on line quickly then attempt to guaranty delivery of every message. I have followed the tracker and previous posts on this list and it looks like the idea of developing ROSUDP for ROSPY is no longer of interest. Is this really the case?

I would appreciate any guidance on this matter.


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