Hi Daniel,

I resolved to remove the dependency of the tf and I will use our own library to provide the Quaternions class that really it was my requeriment of the tf package.

I will stay pendant about any improvement of the cross compiling of the set of minimal packages.

Best Regards,


2011/4/29 Daniel Stonier <d.stonier@gmail.com>
I was actually having the same issue yesterday - I haven't ported rosbag yet, it still uses some posix only functions. I might look at it next week - otherwise feel free to send me a patch to look at.

Nonetheless, it's a funny dependency. Often the ros system overdoes it. In this case, its geometry_msgs which has an indirect (not a compilation) dependency on rosbag. It would be more convenient if xxx_msg packages were strictly msg packages and avoided any compilation dependencies.

If you want to go ahead, simply comment out the dependency on rosbagmigration in geometry_msgs/manifest.xml.

I'm actually curious as to what you'll need towards getting tf to compile and run. To date I've just been using msg's and comms in my windows programs, but that one is on my todo list as its a very common need. Keep me up to date with the problems you run into and I'll start looking at them.


2011/4/29 Alexander Pérez Ruiz <alexander.perez@upc.edu>
Hi Daniel,

I was looking you on IRC, but maybe I had problems to cross the firewall of my office correctly.

One of the problems I have found is when i try to change/revert to the toolchain native linux. This operation should be do it as a root or several python scripts fail with an OSError.

Furthermore, I found a problem with the rosprotect --pre-clean --minimal
when I am compiling the rosbag I get the following error:
In member function 'void rosbag::ChunkedFile:pen(const std:tring&, const std:tring&)':
error: 'ftello' was not declared in this scope
error: 'fseeko' was not declared in this scope error:

I have searched about this problem and I think that is a mingw's problem due to http://www.gnu.org/s/hello/manual/gnulib/ftello.html

Compiling the --comms does not a problem but my node uses the tf then I need to have --minimal compiled.

Has someone else reported a problem like this?

Thanks in advance. Regards,


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Alexander Pérez Ruiz