Actually I am doing ROS_INFO_STREAM in one node three times. With rostopic echo /rosout_agg I see all three messages. With my subscriber I only see the last message, when calling spinOnce not fast enough. So this can not be an issue of the queue filling up.


Am 04.05.2011 20:06, schrieb Troy Straszheim:
On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 1:10 AM, Christian Verbeek <> wrote:
Dear all,

I am missing message when subscribing to /rosout

_log_sub = _node.subscribe( "/rosout", 100, &ROSHandler::logCallback,
this );

I do call ros::spinOnce() approximately every 20ms. When I call spinOnce
as fast as possible (in a loop) then no messages are lost. But then my
app needs 60% of the CPU so that is not really desirable.

If messages are coming in at > 50Hz, one would expect to drop messages here, once the buffer of 100 fills up.  No?  Just trying to establish if there is a bug here or not.   I suppose a way to check the size of the incoming queue would be nice... there is a ticket on this already.


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