It's ready to go at:

username: roboat
password: roboat

Only 1 whopping big zip file, you can't miss it.

Also, the guys from RoBoard should have it on their site for download shortly.  Let me know if
there are problems or I can help in any way.  And, Taylor, thanks again for your RoBoard stack ...
learned a few zillion things from it already!


On 5/11/2011 9:28 AM, Taylor Veltrop wrote:
That's awesome, I can't wait to use it.  Where can we download it from?

On May 10, 2011, at 12:00 PM, Jim Patek wrote:

I have been trying to get ROS installed on one of my RoBoards (Vortrx86 based SBC, similarly to Taylor Veltrop.  I ran into a few difficulties and while fixing them have created a new install of Ubuntu on the RoBoard.  As I was tinkering with this, I ended up building a light fast install based on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server with the newest Vortex86 kernel installed.  I put X on it and installed Awesome window manager (very small, light and can be run with or w/o a mouse).  I have ROS Diamondback installed (and working) and the RoBoIO v1.7 library compiled and installed as a Shared Library (  Works like a champ ... low memory and processor load and is only 2.75 GB on an 8 GB partition.  I have made a CloneZilla image of it and thought if anyone was interested I would post it on my server for download.  With CloneZilla it is very easy to install to the RoBoard with a 2 GB USB stick (the image is 1.1 GB).  You just install CloneZilla to to the USB stick, copy the image to the /home/partimg directory, boot on the USB and follow the instructions.  The image is for an 8 GB disk, so you will need at least an 8 GB microSD card.

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