2011/5/20 brice rebsamen <brice.rebsamen@gmail.com>

I am currently installing ROS on wheezy (amd64). Here are some of the
problems I encountered and fixes.

Welcome as a Debian user.
Be aware that Debian is only expected to work on squeeze at the moment. If there is things to add for this support, you are welcome to provide them. It migth only be little work like editing *.yaml files for dependencies.


first of all, desktop-full fails because it cannot access the perception stack:

[/media/data/dev/ros] $ rosinstall .
Installing http://svn.pointclouds.org/ros/tags/perception_pcl-0.10.0
to /media/data/dev/ros/perception_pcl
svn: REPORT of '/ros/!svn/vcc/default': 200 OK (http://svn.pointclouds.org)
ERROR: Failed to install tree '/media/data/dev/ros/perception_pcl'
 vcs not setup correctly

It seems it doesn't succeed when checkouting perception_pcl
Did you install the pre-requisite packages :
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-yaml cmake subversion wget python-setuptools mercurial
(section 1.1. http://www.ros.org/wiki/diamondback/Installation/Debian)
try also to manually launch svn or mercurial with
svn --version
hg --version

So I continued with the desktop installation.

I think your installation went wrong. It didn't go to the end. Here is a list of stack you should have :
I am sorry I don't have a pure diamomndback installed I can't ls my stack dir for a more readable output.

Compilation of rosconsole failed because it could not find
log4cxx/logger.h so I had to install package (with apt-get)
liblog4xx10-dev. It happened just after rosinstall invoked apt-get to
install some missing dependencies though, so I guess there is a
problem here with the list of dependencies...

That's due to the incorrect install. Rosinstall did not go into the rosdep installation part. You can anyway ask manually rosmake to do it for each package you compile with a --rosdep-install option (as for any package btw).
In case of a partial installation like this you can go further and ask to compile everything with a :
rosmake --all --rosdep-install
But I advice you to delete the partial installation I do all correctly until it works. You'll be anoy later anyway.

Compilation of rosrecord also failed because the linker add an issue
linking with boost::filesystem. I add to modify the CMakeList
(ros_comm/tools/rosrecord/CMakeList.txt): added filesystem in the list
of boost dependencies for the rosplay executable.

You shouldn't have to do this. I think it is the same problem, try a rosmake "rosrecord --rosdep-install"

After that the whole installation went fine. I will proceed with
testing and report any further problem.

You should have written your problem to :
please ask question there so I can more easily be searchable


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