Hi Damon,
I am really sorry for spelling mistake in your name...

Thanks and Regards
Abhishek Verma

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 12:27 PM, Abhishek Verma <toabhishekverma@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Demon, 
As of now I havent done much.
I created a bundle which has all libraries i.e whatever rosjava/lib contains + rosjava.jar(contains rosjava , apache common and xmlrpc).
Created OSGi Bundle which starts RosCore on 11311 (as of now hardcoded, but properties can be read from configuration files or command line) and Started a Publisher

In another java stand alone program I started subscriber and Subscriber is able to communicate with Publisher started in OSGi Bundle

Now I have to define RosCore as service (and export rosjava api) and launch Talker and Subscriber as a separate OSGi Bundle and check whether they are able to communicate or not.

As Knopflerfish Desktop bundle, I have plans to do UI Control for RosCore and all publishers and subscribers
Also I am planning to add a Visualiser which can show all publishers/subscribers running in system (I dont knowyet how much its possible or not) and A View for Publisher.

Thanks and Regards
Abhishek Verma

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Damon Kohler <damonkohler@google.com> wrote:
Hi Abhishek,

I'm interested to hear how it works out for you.

What kind of changes did you need to make for this to work?


On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 12:59 PM, Abhishek Verma
<toabhishekverma@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Friend,
> I have recently started working is ROSJAVA and while working on it I felt if
> it can be a good fit in OSGI framework.
> OSGi framework has lots of benefits which give good modular funtionality.
> Apart from that inbuilt configuraton management and command line
> funtionality make it nice framework.
> I just build my roscore module a publisher and a subscriber which can
> communicate with each other and tested it with Knopflerfish.
> As I am new to osgi framewor and even rosjava , I want to know others view
> on it. if anyone can for see something wrong in it?
> If someone else also working on osgi and rosjava please let me know.
> Thanks and Regards
> Abhishek Verma
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