Has anybody done this successfully?  It’s giving me trouble…


I’m following this tutorial: http://www.ros.org/wiki/collada_urdf/Tutorials/Working%20Directly%20with%20COLLADA


I get the output:


WARNING: unrecognized tag sphinxdoc

process[collada_joint_publisher]: started

process[rviz]: started

[ERROR]: No name given for the robot

[ERROR]: No name given for the robot


The model loads fine in the adjacent OpenRAVE 0.4.0 window, but rviz gives me the status error: “URDF failed Model parse”.


I’m using ROS diamondback binaries with jsk-ros-pkg.  I’ve tried with both the diamondback release version of robot_model, and the 1.5.1 release from the trunk (as downloaded by jsk_ros_patch).  I’ve also tried with one of the stock models from the collada_robots package.


Any bright ideas?


