Vslam is based on matching keypoints extracted from the image. Blurriness from lack of focus makes finding corner or blob-like keypoints and matching them much harder. So it will almost certainly not work. Not to mention that the webcams are probably not synchronized, which is crucial unless you're moving really really slow. I suggest a specialized stereo camera, like the bumblebee. And it's possible the next iteration of vslam will support the kinect.

Daniel Maturana

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 7:39 AM, Medi-Care Robotics <itsmyrobot@gmail.com> wrote:
I am using the vslam stack and get it working. Allthough both of my autofocus webcams (lifecam HD-5000) startup out of focus and stay that way.

I'm running:
-vslam_stereo launch file (came with package)

Like i said, i do get an image Nd see red dots sticking to objects. But because the camera's are out of focus i get multiple errors. One for every frame...

Any help is appreciated!

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