The   <rosdep name="opencv2.3"/> line in your manifest depends on ROS being able to find a rosdep.yaml that defines what opencv2.3 means. This is located in the vision_opencv stack.

Make sure that if you are developing against the unstable soon to be E-turtle stack, you have the entire vision_opencv stack in your workspace.

A rosinstall file for this situation may look like:

- other: {local-name: /opt/ros/unstable/ros}
- other: {local-name: /opt/ros/unstable/stacks}
- svn: {local-name: vision_opencv, uri: ''}

Also keep in mind that the unstable version of vision_opencv is not compatible with stacks in diamond back, and you may run into really weird run-time issues if you are linking against libraries that are compiled against the diamond back version of anything in vision_opencv.


On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 3:01 PM, Carlos J. <> wrote:
Hey, Patrick.

Although OpenCV 2.3 seems to work well now, I noticed the following error/warning while compiling my package:

       Failed to find rosdep opencv2.3 for package catasphereo on OS:ubuntu version:11.04
       WARNING: Rosdeps [u'opencv2.3'] could not be resolved

The manifest.xml file has:
  <depend package="cv_bridge" />
  <rosdep name="opencv2.3"/>

The CMakeLists.txt has:
    find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED) 
    #define the target ...
    target_link_libraries(my_binary ${OpenCV_LIBS})



On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 5:42 PM, Patrick Mihelich <> wrote:
Hi Carlos,

The opencv2 package continues to exist as the "ROS face" of the new OpenCV debian packages. Declaring a dependency on opencv2 is actually all you need to do to use OpenCV 2.3.1 in ROS. So cv_bridge and all other OpenCV-using packages now use 2.3.1 in trunk/unstable.

If you look at the manifest, it declares a rosdep on opencv2.3 (the deb), and exports the compile flags from 'pkg-config opencv-2.3.1'.


On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Carlos J. <> wrote:
cv_bridge depends on opencv2 (as a ros package). This is causing the old opencv header files and libraries to get linked in my project. Unless, I get cv_bridge from SVN and modify its dependencies in its manifest.xml and  CMakeLists.txt

In sum,
1) I deleted the opencv2 dependency in the manifest.xml
2) I added this at the end of the CMakeLists.txt

    target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} opencv_core opencv_imgproc)

I think that is the manual work-around for now... If someone knows of a better way to force cv_bridge into using OpenCV 2.3.1, please, advise.


Carlos J.

On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 2:18 AM, Ethan Rublee <> wrote:
OpenCV is transitioning to a system based install.  To develop against OpenCV with ROS on ubuntu you should just apt-get libopencv2.3-dev (its available in from assuming you have followed these instructions

On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 7:22 PM, Carlos Slave <> wrote:
I'm not sure what happened with the svn trunk for opencv2. This uri only checks out the Makefile and manifest.xml files...nothing else. The latest checkout overwrote all my previous source.

Does any one know where I can get the opencv2 ros package.



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