I have received some emails of people who wanted to run the rubik's cube stack, but they didn't want to pull the whole UU stack just because the rubik's stack depends on a single package in UU (OK it's a bit complicated...)

Anyway, what I think would be interesting is to have the ROS indexer scan the packages of a (for example) GitHub user and retrieve all the stacks. This way Berkley, TUM, UU and so on will have an account on GitHub (or google code or whatever) with several repositories, each of them being a stack.

I hope this makes sense...


On 15 August 2011 21:05, Ibrahim Awwal <ibrahim.awwal@berkeley.edu> wrote:
Hi ROS users,

We're considering/planning on switching to git/github for the Berkeley
ROS package. What are the conventions on structure and such that people
are using? With svn we have a url like this
http://ros.berkeley.edu/svn/berkeley-ros-pkg/ with all our stuff, with
git would it be preferrable to have one repo called berkeley-ros-pkg or
separate repos for each stack and maybe link them together with
submodules? What are other people doing that are using git? It seems
like at least TUM is using separate repos per project on their git repo
(which seems to be the much more sane route) but I was wondering if
there was any requirement to have something called foo-ros-pkg
somewhere. Thanks,

ros-users mailing list

Lorenzo Riano, PhD
Research Associate
Intelligent Systems Research Centre
University of Ulster
Magee campus
BT48 7JL

phone: +44 (0)28 71375187
email: l.riano@ulster.ac.uk, lorenzo.riano@gmail.com
skype: lorenzo.riano

Webpage: http://isrc.ulster.ac.uk/Staff/LRiano/Contact.html