I have tried to document everything I have done up to this point to have a  working ROS install. I don't have the rx stuff working, but enough functionality for me.


On Sep 4, 2011, at 2:41 PM, William Woodall wrote:

actually, this is a ticket already, but I kindof forgot to put this error up.  What is happening is that in the opencv2 pkg's manifest.xml file it is calling pkg-config for opencv.  This doesn't work correctly with homebrew's installation and throws an error.  So you end up with a multiline warning in the middle of your xml statement.  Which is where you get the Invalid manifest file exception.  The pkg-config that is in there now uses opencv-2.3.1, but for what ever reason, on OS X with homebrew you need to do just opencv with no version.  See patch:


And I just noticed that the patch comment is wrong =D.
