Hi again!

I am truly interested on developing this, but I really need some guidance to start.
I wrote an email to Nate Koenig, who offered his help in this thread, but I've had no answer :(

Best regards,

On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 17:08, Miguel G. <capelare@gmail.com> wrote:
Great, I was wondering why my mails didn't show up in the developers mail list and now I see they appear triplicated over here.
Sorry about that :(

On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 17:05, Miguel G. <capelare@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, I'm new around here and I'm not sure if this is the right place for this thread, correct me if I'm wrong, please :)

I'm beginning to work on the final project of my Computer Engineering studies, a simulator for the Lego NXT robot, and I discovered ROS recently, so I thought that I could use ROS/Gazebo, due in part to the lack of this feature in the NXT support.

The thing is I'm not sure what should I do or where to begin (I'm getting used to ROS these days, but I learn fast), so I could use a little guidance if you would.
