The actual node is in trajectory_filter_server. It uses the filters in the spline_smoother and constraint_aware_spline_smoother packages. They are configured using YAML configuration files (which can be found in pr2_arm_navigation_filtering package for the PR2 robot). The filters operates serially on the message - i.e. you can specify in YAML the order and kind of filters that will act on the message.

You should put this question up on


On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 12:37 AM, Jia Pan <> wrote:
Hi, all,
I know motion planner packages generated collision free path, but which packages handle the generating of trajectory (i.e., for each points in the path, there is time information).
Or, in other words, which packages fill the timing information in trajectory_msgs, which will be used by spline_smoother?


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Sachin Chitta
Research Scientist
Willow Garage