On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 3:18 AM, Dirk Thomas <mail@dirk-thomas.net> wrote:
Good suggestion.  As this is the behavior of rospack, I changed rospkg
to match it by default.  You can get the raw export by adding a
"convert=False" arg to the get_export() call instead.

great, thank you.

A minor cosmetic issue is the printing of "READ_CACHE manifest.xml" in
I guest this output will be removed in the next release?

Yes, this has already been removed.  I pushed 0.2.3 with the fix as
well as updated get_export() API.

It would be useful if the version number of rospkg could be determined.
This is not yet possible, right?
So could you also add a function which returns the version number of rospkg?

Great idea.  Added in the next version:

$ python -c "import rospkg; print rospkg.__version__"


Thank you,

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