Dear ROS users,

I find that whole plugin description parsing process is aborted on only one error in a description file.
I don't know whether this is an intentional feature or just a bug but IMO, it would be better
that the pluginlib display exact error messages and continue the process.
So, I've modified slightly pluginlib/include/class_loader_imp.h and share the patch here
This patch has been done against ros-electric-pluginlib_1.6.0 package.

Here's the patch

--- patch start ---
*** class_loader_imp.old.h      2011-10-07 13:17:40.573426669 +0900
--- class_loader_imp.h  2011-10-07 13:26:41.662301933 +0900
*** 63,77 ****
        TiXmlElement * config = document.RootElement();
        if (config == NULL)
!         ROS_ERROR("XML Document \"%s\" had no Root Element.  This likely means the XML is malformed or missing.", it->c_str());
!         return;
        if (config->ValueStr() != "library" &&
            config->ValueStr() != "class_libraries")
!         ROS_ERROR("The XML given to add must have either \"library\" or \
!             \"class_libraries\" as the root tag");
!         return ;
        //Step into the filter list if necessary
        if (config->ValueStr() == "class_libraries")
--- 63,77 ----
        TiXmlElement * config = document.RootElement();
        if (config == NULL)
!         ROS_ERROR("Skipping XML Document \"%s\" which had no Root Element.  This likely means the XML is malformed or missing.", it->c_str());
!         continue;
        if (config->ValueStr() != "library" &&
            config->ValueStr() != "class_libraries")
!         ROS_ERROR("The XML document \"%s\" given to add must have either \"library\" or \
!             \"class_libraries\" as the root tag", it->c_str());
!         continue ;
        //Step into the filter list if necessary
        if (config->ValueStr() == "class_libraries")
--- patch end ---

Best regards,

- Yoonsoo