ROS Service Definition (common_msgs) for Camera Parameters (FPS,Whitebalance, etc).

Hi ROS Users,

I’m currently working on a ros driver for a camera.
I could use the listed common_msgs image, camera_info, setCameraInfo to create my driver to some sort of - let’s say standard ;). So far so good.

However last week I came across the issues of parameterizing my camera in terms of FPS, Whitebalance, Gain, ROI and so on. Unfortunately there isn’t any suggestion about parameterizing made in the camera_driver part in ROS.

And this leads to my question:

Wouldn’t it make sense to have a parameter service message for Cameras in the common_msg stack? This could include values like fps, roi, encoding and so on. This way the parameters of a camera could be set way more generic. For example with a parameterizing node, this could be used for any camera node that has this parameter service.

Of course every camera has different parameters which can be set or not. This problem could be solved with a camera_parameter_info message. This message may keep information about supported parameters for the device.  For instance FPS (yes,no) and FPS min and max Values.

Here is a very “cheap” (sry, it’s Sunday!!) picture to give visual support.


So what do you think about