Hi all,

Pretty sure this can't be done with the current yaml so I guess it falls in the area of a feature request. 

e.g. envisioning a rosinstall file that would look something like:

- other: 
    local-name: /opt/ros/electric/ros

- other: 
    local-name: ycs
    uri: http://rnd.yujinrobot.com/ycs.rosinstall

- svn:
    local-name: win_ros
    uri: https://win-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/stacks/win_ros/trunk

- git:
    uri: https://github.com/stonier/qt_ros.git
    local-name: qt_ros
    version: master

where ycs.rosinstall conveniently collects and maintains its own working set. This would be fairly convenient to our workflow, would it be a useful addition for others in general?

Daniel Stonier.