A node can have any number of publishers or subscribers.

In the future, this would be best asked on answers.ros.org so that people may easily find it in the future.


On Wednesday, October 26, 2011, Karan, Cem F USA CIV (US) <cem.f.karan.civ@mail.mil> wrote:
> Is it possible to make one node both a publisher and a subscriber?  That is, would the following code fragment work?
> rospy.init_node('relay')
> pub = rospy.Publisher('talker', someMsg)
> oldMessages = set()
> def callback(data):
>        if not data in oldMessages:
>                pub.publish(data)
>        oldMessages.add(data)
> sub = rospy.Subscriber('listener', someMsg, callback)
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>        rospy.spin()
> Thanks,
> Cem Karan
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