Tim, I think this type of question might be a better asked at http://answers.ros.org/questions/ in the future, but I would think that perhaps you lost rviz in the transition from Diamondback to Electric due to changes in the variant definitions?  

Another reason might be that the visualization packages got auto-removed due to some dependency mix up with Ubuntu's apt-get, this kind of thing happened to me during a distro upgrade (like from 10.10 to 11.04).

But honestly if you were to ask me hypothetically, I would say it shouldn't happen.  

A good thing to do might be to reinstall the desktop-full variant to ensure you have all the packages you need.

Hope that helps,

P.S. War Eagle!  It's good to see ROS has reached the Tennessee Valley! (I'm from Decatur originally)

William Woodall
Graduate Software Engineering
Auburn University

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 7:31 PM, Tim Coddington <tim.coddington@rteamworks.com> wrote:
I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 on a Lenovo T520 laptop and last used rviz
about two weeks ago.  After some initial confusion and troubleshooting I
compared my install to another machine and found that the visualization
package under ros electric install was missing.

I have noticed a few ros electric updates listed during the Ubuntu
Update manager runs, but I don't expect it to remove packages

Any idea how this could happen?

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