Hi Ryan,

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 6:54 PM, Ryan Gariepy <rgariepy@clearpathrobotics.com> wrote:

Will these changes will affect nodes outside of the openni stack? If so, can these effects be enumerated? Will we need to update all of the TurtleBot demo code, for instance?

Also, the REP does not state a clear motivation for doing this. Is what we have causing problems, or is it just "not ideal"? #117 is similar but concisely states reasons for why the work should be done, and how it'll impact past code.

I didn't adequately explain the context of this REP. It proposes no changes, except to discourage use of the old and flawed sensor_msgs/DisparityImage message. The purpose is to codify and document the convention used by the OpenNI stack.
