On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 7:38 PM, Kevin Walchko <kevin.walchko@gmail.com> wrote:

On Dec 6, 2011, at 10:16 PM, Patrick Mihelich wrote:
The proposed depth image representation is exactly the one currently used by the ROS OpenNI driver. The intent of this REP is to codify existing practice. What code would need to be rewritten?

ok, wouldn't you have to re-write anything you want to start using DepthImage with? Currently any packages that accept sensor_msgs/Image can read the Kinect images … that is cool. However, now everything would have to be re-written if you wanted it to view the kinect depth image. Maybe I am wrong, but wouldn't that mean rviz, image_view, other user software, etc would have to be modified to accept this new message? To me this sounds like a big change for little gain.

There is no DepthImage message. The REP describes how to use sensor_msgs/Image to represent depths.

I'll update the abstract to make the purpose and recommendations more explicit from the beginning.
