Greetings ROS Users,

I am please to announce a new stack that I've been working on: ROSOSC.  Code and documentation for my "beta" release are available immediately on the wiki:

ROSOSC is a set of utilities and nodes for interacting with Open Sound Control hardware and software devices.

One of the main features is the ability to interact with TouchOSC (created by hexler:, the iOS application, to create dynamic, touch-interactive, control surfaces that can be used with ROS.  These control surfaces can be composed of several different types of controls, such as push buttons, toggle buttons, faders, rotary knobs, labels and LEDs.  Most of the controls support two-way communication with ROS, which allows users to change color, position, size, and visibility of all of the controls on the page via ROS topics.

There are two main ways of interacting with TouchOSC with ROS:
I hope that you find this useful in your robotics projects, and I'm excited to see some of the future uses of the TouchOSC and Open Sound Control interfaces.

To get an idea of the basic features, I have made some YouTube videos:


(Ken, I have already added this to the indexer)
Michael Carroll
Electrical Engineering Graduate Student
Auburn University