On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Ye Cheng <cnhzcy14@gmail.com> wrote:

And I'll soon implement rxbag in ros-gui.

Good stuff!  I designed rxbag in such a way that it could be included in a larger system, so hopefully that integration should be straightforward.

What I really need at the moment is something like rxlab which is mentioned here. Is the development of this package still active?

No, it is not.  rxbag is already implemented as a "unit" in rxlab, so you can look at the source to get a feel for how to integrate the main timeline component.  Another system worth exploring is Ecto, which is a very well designed tool for quickly and efficiently prototyping and visualizing networks of computation.

If you have technical questions regarding either rxbag or rxlab, feel free to email me.
