The input is much appreciated!

My current plan is to go with the 2 GHz Intel Atom Z550 fitPC2i on which ros core and the main navigation and path planning stacks will be running. I'll be using a beagleboard xm with a LI-5M03 camera which is directly connected to the chips DSP which allows you to get 30 fps at it's max resolution thanks to a sound working driver that got its way into the kernel finally. I'll be doing strictly image processing on the BB which which should get me by. 


On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 12:40 AM, Tonu Samuel <> wrote:
On 01/14/2012 02:17 AM, Austin Hendrix wrote:
My personal robot is running the WG navigation stack with a Hokuyo URG-04LX-UG01 on a pandaboard. I'm running significantly reduced settings for update rates, map size and resolution, local and global planners, and it performs moderately well. I don't have a vision system yet, so I don't know how well it will perform with that additional load.

I am running ROS and navigation stack on Pandaboard too (but no laser input). Slowest process is move_base which occupies 100% of CPU all time. All other nodes are idle. I had no motivation yet but at some point I dig into move_base sources and look what I can optimize and maybe I just throw some less needed functionality out.

My robot does most of decicions based on vision and I assumed transporting just images is something I can avoid. So I took existing camera node and injected all neccessary detection code in it. So my code publishes just ~10 coordinates for each frame which is piece of cake to handle for rest of system.

Whatever is slow for you, try to find exact stack and node and then problem becomes much easier.


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