On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 3:49 PM, Santiago Focke <focke.85@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all

I just installed a Xenomai kernel and want to migrate my Ros-Orocos projects, but I've had some troubles doing this. How should I install the ros-diamondback-orocos-toolchain-ros for a xenomai target? When I install it following the instructions in http://www.ros.org/wiki/orocos_toolchain_ros and set the OROCOS-TARGET to xenomai (before installation)

   export OROCOS_TARGET=xenomai 
sudo apt-get install ros-diamondback-orocos-toolchain-ros
source /opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/orocos_toolchain_ros/env.sh

This does not work, the orocos_toolchain provided by the debian packages is only build for gnulinux, no Xenomai version is available. If you want to use the xenomai version you will have to build it from source as described here http://www.ros.org/wiki/orocos_toolchain
 I'm not able to run the deployer-xenomai. Apparently, the installation is not building the xenomai packages. What should I do to set correctly the Orocos target? The versions I'm using are the following

Ubuntu 10.04 kernel
Xenomai 2.6.0
Ros diamonback

Thanks in advance.


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