Title: Software / Research Engineer in Shared Autonomy for Manipulation

About Willow Garage

Willow Garage intends to revolutionize robotic mobile manipulation and to jump start a broad scale industry in that area. We are working towards this goal through fostering robust open hardware and software platforms; doing research internally and in close cooperation with top research groups across the globe to systematically remove the key bottlenecks to robotic capability; and enabling or spinning off companies in different application areas. We are well funded and able to do this with staying power.

We have assembled a team of international leaders in a wide range of robot fields from machine perception, machine learning, planning, control, grasping, human-robotic interaction and on to mechanical and electrical engineering. We have a great work environment with large and fluid collaborations across areas of expertise. We're open, we publish, run workshops, attend conferences and collaborate widely with top researchers around the world. We have soccer games and free lunches, and company outings from ski trips to zero-g flights.

Primary Function

To help design and build a shared autonomy system that allows remote operators to direct and assist a robot performing complex manipulation tasks in unstructured environments, such as homes and offices.

Roles and Responsibilities
 * help design a Human-in-the-Loop framework that enables robots to request assistance from human operators when faced with difficult scenarios
 * design novel operator interfaces for assisting robots performing manipulation tasks
 * use the system to perform complex activities in household-like environments, identify bottlenecks and improve overall performance
 * integrate the results of the work in stacks released part of future ROS distributions
 * (Research Engineer) evaluate state-of-the-art autonomous algorithms for manipulation tasks, and integrate them into a shared autonomy framework
 * (Research Engineer) help disseminate novel methods and results through publication in major international conferences and journals

Skills / Job Requirements

A subset of the following:
 * experience with robotic manipulation (grasp planning and execution, motion planning, Cartesian and joint level arm control, robot perception for manipulation, 3D point cloud processing, etc.)
 * experience with ROS
 * experience designing and using 3D visualization and interaction tools (Ogre, Coin3D, Qt, WxWidgets, OpenGL, etc.)
 * strong C++ and/or Python programming

Application Materials
 * Cover letter
 * Resume/CV
 * Downloadable code sample(s)
 * Two references and/or two letters of recommendation
 * A recent publication or statement of past experiences

To Apply
Send your Application Materials and links to any projects you'd like us to take a look at to jobs@willowgarage.com. Please mention "Software / Research Engineer in Shared Autonomy for Manipulation" as the targeted position.