I am updating the IRI driver [1] for the Hokuyo Lasers in order to be used with the SCIP2.2 protocol and get the multiecho values in the UTM-30LX-EW and the UXM-30LX-E
At the moment I am working with the non-ROS version of the driver, as soon as I get this running I will wrap it in our ROS node [2].

I'll tell you when It will be ready.

Kind regards,
Martí Morta

[1] http://wikiri.upc.es/index.php/Hokuyo_Laser_driver
[2] http://www.ros.org/wiki/iri_hokuyo_laser

> The UTM-30LX-EW (http://www.autonomoustuff.com/hokuyo-utm-30lx-ew.html)
> has multi-echo capability, but this requires the driver to implement the
> new SCIP 2.2 protocol. Does anyone have a driver for this laser, or plans
> to write one? It would seem logical to extend the hokuyo_node package
> somehow.
> Regards,
> Fred Pauling
Martí Morta Garriga. Support Engineer.
Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (UPC-CSIC)