On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 9:48 AM, Kevin Walchko <kevin.walchko@gmail.com> wrote:
Here is a patch for the rosdep.yaml for OSX for lib-usb.

Applied, thanks! 

I tried to compile this on my Mac and it failed complaining:  ld: library not found for -lrosthread. I haven't heard of that library before.

I've taken -lrosthread out of libuvc's manifest.xml. I'm assuming it was removed recently, like -lros was removed in Fuerte, though both of those flags are still suggested on <http://ros.org/wiki/Manifest#Example> and <http://www.ros.org/doc/api/rospkg/html/manifest_xml.html#export-cpp>. Anyway, libuvc didn't need to use any ROS libraries.

 - Ken