
I've been trying to make some reconfigurations with the Orocos SOEM master component and I saw that after doing it the component stopped working correctly. This was caused because every time the component (re)configures itself, it creates again all the slaves found in the network, and adds the into the m_drivers vector. So, if I have one slave and configure 3 times my master, there will be 3 different slave drivers in the vector for the same slave. Also, when reconfiguring, it cannot add the service of the last-created driver, and the first-created one will be pointing to some region of memory that no longer corresponds to the slave image (in case SOEM remaps in a different place). I'm thinking on using a class variable (set by an operation of the master service) that will define if the master makes the whole configuration (searching for slaves, mapping, etc..) or just the slaves' parameter configuration, but I'd like to listen to better options.

