Please ask this question, and questions like this, on

I expect the problem is that in adding a single triangle you are adding a 2D shape, and the convex hull code isn't happy with a single 2D shape without volume.  I don't think collision checking will work against a 2D shape either.  I'm not sure how many triangles you'll have to add to compute a convex hull and collision check successfully. A much better approach than trying to code this by hand is taking an .stl file for the mesh and using the function in geometric_shapes called createMeshFromFilename.  Then you can use the constuctObjectMsg function in planning_environment/util/construct_object.h to form the message.


On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Arkapravo Bhaumik <> wrote:
Consider putting this question to answer.ros, chances are that you may get better replies.

On 11 March 2012 03:11, Paul Heran Yang <> wrote:
Hi all,

I've been trying to add meshes into collision object, but always get error: "Unable to compute convex hull"

    trimesh_object.type = arm_navigation_msgs::Shape::MESH;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        geometry_msgs::Point p;
        p.x = i;
        p.y = i+1;
        p.z = i+2;

    // then add {0, 1, 2} into trimesh_object.triangles

    geometry_msgs::Pose pose;


    planning_scene_req.planning_scene_diff.collision_objects.push_back(collision_object);, planning_scene_res) ...

All I'm trying to do is just to add a simple triangle into the scene, but so far no luck. The above code just adds {0,1,2},{1,2,3},{2,3,4} into it. I also tried {0,0,1},{0,1,0},{1,0,0}. Nothing works.

I don't get why there's "unable to compute convex hull" error. Thanks in advance.


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