I agree that yours is probably the best bet for us to push forward with.  If you could formally release a version, I'd be happy to help add to it.

1) Should we split the interface and parser/writer?
I like the way you have kept them together, it's easier to read.

2) Which name should we unite under?
 The C++ equivalent to this package is named urdf_parser.  Realistically, it would make sense if eventually we could integrate it into this official package.  Until then, I think we should keep with a similar name.  urdf_parser_py might make sense but it doesn't really matter to me.  What would be nice for me is if we could have a stack (like my robot_model_python) in a repository we could all maintain where my KDL parser and other similar packages could reside.

3) I think that we might want to merge into my package, but would be open to other suggestions. Does that sound good?
Sounds good to me.  It might also be nice to incorporate Thomas' string pretty printing.  I'd also personally make a few changes to the URDF class you have if you think they're reasonable.  First, make the parse and load methods static so you can load the URDF object in one line.  Secondly, make those two more intuitive by renaming them parse_xml_string and load_xml_file or something similar.  Not making these changes isn't a game-killer though.


On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 12:44 PM, David Lu!! <davidlu@wustl.edu> wrote:
I've gone through all three of our packages, and I believe that mine has the most features (please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not just trying to promote my own package). Kelsey's package has the KDL components which would be useful to integrate, as well as using ROS geometry messages in the lower levels. Thomas's package has the nice interface/parse split, as well as some useful constants. Both have some error checking and the ability to read rosparams. My has the writing component and I think the fullest set of supported tags. 

Open questions:
1) Should we split the interface and parser/writer? 
2) Which name should we unite under?
3) I think that we might want to merge into my package, but would be open to other suggestions. Does that sound good? 


On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 3:06 PM, Kelsey Hawkins <kphawkins@gatech.edu> wrote:
I would also like to chime in and say I have partially implemented a URDF parser in Python which you can find here: http://www.ros.org/wiki/urdf_parser_python  I'm not sure if it is extensive as David's since there are several sections like the geometry components which haven't been fully implemented.  I have been successfully using this package for several months now in conjunction with the KDL parser you can find in the same stack.  If either of you decide to officially release your packages, I'd be happy to get my KDL parser working with the released version.

-Kelsey Hawkins

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