On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 2:28 PM, Traveler Hauptman <traveler.hauptman@iit.it> wrote:
Ok, I think I got it. The ROS variant of PCL really needs to be a "ros
package"; it can't just be a "distro package" compiled with the correct
flags and patches.

So if I add the wg-debs pcl & swig-wx repos to
~/ros-underlay/.rosinstall when I build the core libraries will it work?

They do not use catkin as their build system so they can't go in the same workspace as the rest of the packages.  But if you download and install into /opt/ros/fuerte the patched versions from the wg-debs repos for pcl and swig-wx that should work.  


On 4/04/2012 11:06 p.m., Ken Conley wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Traveler Hauptman
> <traveler.hauptman@iit.it> wrote:
>> Just to double check...
>> After tweaking things in the rosdep *.yaml files I was able to do:
>> rosdep check -a
>> and get a perfect result.... all dependencies satisfied, etc....
>> However, when I subsequently ran:
>> rosmake -a
>> Some packages failed to build because of the rospack error in the quotes
>> below (xxx depends on non-existant package pcl).
>> To me it seems like rospack is *not* using the same dependency mechanism
>> as rosdep...
>> so how do I get rospack to recognize that a package is installed? For
>> instance, does the pcl_ros package need to be installed in
>> /opt/ros/fuerte or ... ???
> Per my previous comments, ROS uses a different PCL.  This different
> PCL contains a manifest.xml file which is what rospack is looking for.
> And yes, rosdep/rospack have very different dependency mechanisms.
> rosdep manages a variety of OS-specific package managers, which is
> what its dependencies are keyed against.  rospack only tests for ROS
> package dependencies, i.e. things that have manifest.xml files.
>  - Ken
>> On 4/04/2012 6:43 p.m., Ken Conley wrote:
>>>>> 4. rosmake appears to happily build the things that don't depend on pcl. I
>>>>> get a compiler error for pcl_ros and for a bunch of things I get a
>>>>> dependency error like:
>>> Same as above
>>>>> [rosbuild] Building package depth_image_proc
>>>>>  Failed to invoke /opt/ros/fuerte/bin/rospack deps-manifests
>>>>> depth_image_proc
>>>>>  [rospack] Error: package/stack depth_image_proc depends on non-existent
>>>>> package pcl
>>>>> Ideas on how I should proceed? I'd love to get a clean archlinux install
>>>>> sorted before fuerte leaves beta...
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Tully Foote
Systems Engineer
Willow Garage, Inc.
(650) 475-2827