
I am a 3rd year under graduate student and recently I worked on navigation stack, SBPL package, ROSARIA package and P3DX robot. 

While working on a small project I removed the initial map given to the planner in SBPL package for navigation in 2D environment, and make it such that the robot(P3DX) will automatically update the map as it moves using on-board sonars. 

In another project I used the openni_tracker node in such a way that whenever a user points on the floor, the P3DX will go to the nearest coordinate on the floor where the user is pointing, using the modified SBPL package. 

Link of videos of above projects : 
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sW-yAaGKBJ0
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jis2Leavhok
I have also documented my project. 
Is my work good enough to be used by other users, who want to implement grid based planner on P3DX ?
