Hi Achu, 

Thanks for your announcement.  Your repository has been added to the index.  It's information will be available the next time the indexer completes it's run.  

-- Your Friendly Neighborhood ROS Indexers

On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 10:56 AM, achu wilson <achuwilson@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi friends,

I would like to announce a new ROS package for speech recognition. It makes use of Google's speech API. It has many advantages like speaker independent recognition and no previous training required. This package was developed as a hobby project.

The info page is here: http://www.ros.org/wiki/gspeech
The git is here:https://github.com/achuwilson/gspeech

with regards,
Email: achuwilson@gmail.com

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Tully Foote
(650) 475-2827