On Jul 19, 2012 9:11 PM, "Ken Conley" <kwc@kwc.org> wrote:
If you want to request a feature, it really should be in a ticket
tracker -- or, even better, a patch should be attached.

Considering the small size of many of the ros package development teams, most of the time I submit tickets, bugfixes, feature requests to issue trackers of projects, it feels like they're going into a black hole.

I've even gone to submit a bugfix (with an attached patch) on a project's issue tracker once, only to find that someone else had submitted a similar fix half a year earlier that was never dealt with.

On the other side of it, when I was going through a very busy period, I didn't put much time into maintaining some ros software that I had written, myself.

I think the hyperdistributed nature of the ros ecosystem really needs something more than a hundred independent issue trackers. I understand that distributed version control can help, but if everyone just forks a project when they feel like their issues/tickets aren't getting addressed in a timely manner, then it's just going to lead to severe fragmentation. And even worse, if all the forks of a given stack aren't listed on ros.org, only the repo for the stale one will end up getting used by others, and the efforts will have been wasted.

Does anyone else feel like we need some better way to coordinate these things to prevent code death or such fragmentation from happening to the ros community? My recent experiences have made me concerned for the future health of the ecosystem.
