Also, I apparently can’t spell “turtlebot” consistently. Sheesh….




From: [] On Behalf Of Bill Phillips
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 9:23 PM
Subject: [ros-users] Fuerte install notes - turtlebot


Attached are some rough notes I made about a clean install of Fuerte on a Turtlebot and a developer workstation. I am using a turtlebot with the Lenovo x130e laptop so this is specific to that setup.

I apologize in advance for not attributing the information correctly, as most of it was pulled from or it's peers (, etc.) during my installation and testing. This is still in rough draft form but I wanted to get it out there to see if it was helpful or not. I intend a more complete draft with proper attribution in the near future.

I can say from my little experience with ROS and the turtlebot that fuerte is easier to set up and rviz is leaps and bounds above what it was in electric. Well, at least for me. :)

Thanks in advance for taking a look at this.
