Hi Kevin, 

Thanks for the announcement.  I've added it to the indexer. 

Your Friendly ROS Indexer

On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 9:29 AM, Kevin Walchko <kevin.walchko@gmail.com> wrote:

I would like to submit a new repository. Since the current ROS joystick drivers for the PS3 controller don't support OSX, I was able to use glfw (http://www.glfw.org - a cross platform library) to build a node that publishes the sensor_msgs/Joy message.

The git repository is located: https://github.com/walchko/osx_joystick 

I also documented how to connect the controller to OSX 10.8 via bluetooth. Welcome any suggestions or comments.


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Tully Foote
(650) 475-2827