Hi everyone,

I'd like to draw your attention to open positions at Redwood Robotics: http://redwoodrobotics.com/jobs

San Francisco based Redwood Robotics is developing a new generation of robotic arms that are simple to teach, affordable, and safe to operate around people. We are building an all-star team of creative doers and multidisciplinary thinkers who are ready to write the beautiful code, engineer the bulletproof hardware, invent the simply elegant user experience, and craft the gorgeous designs that will become remarkable products and launch a great company.

In particular, I would like to highlight the Robotics Software Engineer position.

Robotics Software Engineer

The Robotics Software Engineer will be a key contributor to the design of an industrial grade software stack for a dexterous robot arm. The role requires strong software development practices, the ability to rapidly integrate and prototype new capabilities on robot hardware, and a passion for creating elegant and scalable software architectures. The Robotics Software Engineer will lead development of key software components for the ROS software stack.


