Hi ROS community! 

After some weeks at work, we are glad to announce that we have two more repositories available: 

    -wsg50-ros-pkg: A repository that contains the ROS driver for the real and simulated version of the Weiss Robotics WSG 50 gripper (http://code.google.com/p/wsg50-ros-pkg/). 

    -robotnik-powerball-ros-pkg: A repository that includes the necessary files for the Schunk Powerball simulation. We can control it sending commands directly to the controller topic or via  a PS3 pad. Currently it supports Cartesian/Euler operation. (http://code.google.com/p/robotnik-powerball-ros-pkg/

    Furthermore, we have updated our Guardian repository (http://code.google.com/p/guardian-ros-pkg/) to be able to simulate the robot in ROS Fuerte version. We have included the URDF and the launch files to represent our new mobile manipulators, the GBALL (composed by a Guardian integrating the two previous packages). GWAM robot (a Guardian integrating the Barret WAM arm) is already available and will be uploaded soon. 

Please add the Google Code repositories to the index. 

Best regards,

Román Navarro 

Román Navarro García
Departamento I+D
Robotnik Automation, SLL                 
 Tel: (+34) 963383835 
C/Berni y Catala, 53 bajo                    
46019 - VALENCIA - SPAIN              
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