Call for Proposals: ROSCon 2013
Stuttgart, Germany
11-12 May 2013
(immediately following ICRA)


ROSCon 2013 is a chance for ROS developers of all levels, beginner to expert, to spend an extraordinary weekend learning from and networking with the ROS community.  Get tips and tricks from experts, network, and share ideas with fellow developers from around the globe.

ROSCon is a developers’ conference, in the model of PyCon and BoostCon. Following the success of the inaugural ROSCon in St. Paul, Minnesota this year’s ROSCon will be held in Stuttgart, Germany. Similar to last year, the two-day program will com prise technical talks and tutorials that will introduce you to new tools and libraries, as well as teach you more about the ones you already know. The bulk of the program will be 30-40 minute pre sen tations (some may be longer or shorter).

** Want to present at ROSCon?  Submit a proposal!  For details on proposing, go to **

If you don’t want to make a formal presentation, you should still bring your new project or idea to ROSCon!

There will be several sessions of Lightning Talks, which are 5-minute mini-talks that are scheduled just-in-time at the conference. There will also be open space for Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) meetings, impromptu hacking sessions, and informal presentations.

On behalf of the ROSCon 2013 Organizing Committee:

    Alexander Bubeck, Fraunhofer IPA
    Tully Foote, Willow Garage
    Ryan Gariepy, Clearpath Robotics
    Brian Gerkey, Open Source Robotics Foundation
    Florian Weisshardt, Fraunhofer IPA
    Matthew Williamson, Rethink Robotics