hi, we're not delaying anything and every job is still available. But the 30 indexers of the farm can indeed be busy: last night, a new catkin got released for Groovy and all the electric/fuerte/groovy docs got rebuilt. The farm is still not done yet.
Your build seems done and successful. I guess you received an email by now no ?

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 1:01 AM, Ruben Smits <ruben.smits@intermodalics.eu> wrote:

Yesterday I released a new stack (orocos_toolchain) into Fuerte, I did
not receive any mail about an error, but on the jenkins server I also
do not find any reference of a successfull debbuild. Are Fuerte builds
currently delayed due to the upcoming Groovy beta release?


Ruben Smits, Phd
Chief Technology Officer
Intermodalics BVBA
Ros-release mailing list