Hey all,

So, it's been a bit, but I've finally gotten around to switching Electric over to the new documentation indexer. So, as some of you have already noticed, you can now submit your repo to be indexed on Electric the same way you would for Fuerte and Groovy.

A few notes:

* If your documentation build status is "unstable," this means that message generation failed for your repository which can lead to improper Python documentation. This occurs because both Sphinx and Epydoc import your python module to generate documentation and if python message code generation fails, your import will also fail, leading to stripped down docs. Clicking on the details link on the wiki page should take you to an error report that, I hope, helps maintainers track down and fix problems fairly easily. With "unstable" builds, we do our best attempt at providing documentation, but some of the python docs may be a bit wonky.

* If your documentation build status is "failure," this means that something more serious is occurring that prevents any documentation from being generated. Clicking on the details link will take you directly to the console on Jenkins where you can debug the issue.

* Maintainers should make sure that when they submit rosinstall files for a given distro, they use the right branch. For example, using trunk of your repository in the electric, fuerte, and groovy indexer is probably not what you intend. Instead, you'd want to make sure to submit electric-dev, fuerte-dev, groovy-dev, etc.

Hope all is well and thanks to all who have tested and reported issues... keep 'em coming,


On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 6:10 AM, Patrick Goebel <patrick@pirobot.org> wrote:
Thanks Eitan,

I will try the instructions for Fuerte/Groovy.


On 11/06/2012 07:23 AM, Eitan Marder-Eppstein wrote:
Hey all,

Sorry that's it's taken me a bit to chime in on things. It's been a hectic start to the week

Patrick, for your packages, if you submit a repository to the Fuerte indexer, you'll get headers auto-generated for that distribution. The same can be said for Groovy. So, you shouldn't have to manually add headers. With electric, it's a bit trickier because that's still running the old documentation indexer and running off the distro file of released stacks. If there's a ton of demand to have headers generated for electric, there might be a way for me to create a hybrid system of the old and new indexers, but it's an item that hasn't been high on my priority list. As Christain mentioned/quoted, documentation for electric was actually never very complete, it's just that no one noticed because distro-level browsing wasn't something that you could really do on the wiki.

As for the unstable builds that Mani mentions, there are still some issues that I'm having with getting message generation to run properly during documentation. I'm going to try to solve this problem this week. So, for now, ignoring the fact that a build is unstable is OK. Perhaps I should remove those messages from the wiki until I fix the problem that is causing the majority of this instability  Once this issue is fixed, however, the idea is that stack maintainers can see why their builds are failing or unstable and make fixes to their repositories as needed. This should all work properly soon, sorry for the state of limbo that exists in the near-term.

Hope this helps and that all is well,


On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 7:36 PM, Patrick Goebel <patrick@pirobot.org> wrote:
Thanks Christian,

So I guess I need to go back and add the header manually to each wiki page for now.


On 11/05/2012 01:59 AM, Christian Dornhege wrote:
On 03.11.2012 14:02, Patrick Goebel wrote:
Sorry to be so dense everyone, but can someone tell me if packages that
have long existed in the indexer for ROS Electric (e.g. pi_face_tracker)
need to be resubmitted to ros-users to have the correct header created
on the Wiki page?  At the moment, all my old Wiki pages have the
following message at the top even for Electric:

Cannot load information on*name: pi_face_tracker, distro: electric*,
which means that it is not yet in our index. Please seethis page
information on how to submit your repository to our index.

And it appears that it is not just my packages but others (e.g.
face_recognition).  Or is the new requirement that the package has to
exist as a Debian package?

It is the same for our packages. Let me quote Eitan's reply to my question:

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 5:57 AM, Christian Dornhege <dornhege@informatik.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:
> Was this behavior maybe changed at some time? I remember it indexing our trunk/ URL. Now it seems that only the packages are indexed that have been released as debs.

The behavior for electric documentation always worked this way. However, there was a separate indexer that ran off of rosinstall files documenting whatever was in them, but that is no longer run in favor of the new system. It's possible that this old indexer produced your headers and documentation, but the docs for electric specifically were never generated. With the old wiki, no one would have noticed this as per-distro browsing wasn't something that was really possible to do. The old indexer job was kind of weird to begin with since it could allow for documentation to be mixed between distros... leading to some weird effects.



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Eitan Marder-Eppstein
President, hiDOF Inc.

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ros-users mailing list

Eitan Marder-Eppstein
President, hiDOF Inc.