Hi Oier et al, 

We are getting very close to the Beta release of Groovy.  We're putting the finishing touches onto it.  Our blockers for the release are being tracked at: https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/issues?milestone=1&page=1&state=open and as you can see we're closing in.  The release notes are being drafted at the moment.  


PS For those of you who just can't wait, almost everything is available from the repositories already.  

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 12:05 PM, Oier Mees <oier.mees@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Tully,
could you please give us an update on the release schedule?
Oier Mees

2012/11/14 Tully Foote <tfoote@willowgarage.com>
Hi Everyone, 

I wanted to give an update on the ROS Groovy beta release.  We've recently overcome some technical glitches in our infrastructure and are now fully focused on getting Groovy out the door.  

To track our progress we have selected some gating criterion for the beta release.  The issues are tracked in the ROS Groovy Beta milestone on the rosdistro github repo: https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/issues?milestone=1&state=open  Our goal is to release the beta this week. 

We have over 316 packages building for precise and oneiric and 243 for quantal which was just fully enabled today.  We are only building 64 bit binaries at the moment to save build time.  32 bit targets will be enabled at some point during the beta release.  


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Tully Foote
(650) 475-2827