Thanks for bringing it up.  Our regex was only matching numbers and descimals before the -s#### in the package version. It now is a little more liberal to take the debian inc number as used by orocos_toolchain. "ros-fuerte-oro 2.6.0-2-s13542 orocos_toolchain"   I manually triggered one of the downstream jobs and it's running now:

I'll retrigger all of fuerte shortly.  


On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 9:05 AM, Vincent Rabaud <> wrote:
I just re-triggered a build and it was successful again for orocos_toolchain. Anyway, the debs are there:
I don't get why the build farm does not find it either:
Tully ?

On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 11:44 AM, Peter Soetens <> wrote:
On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 11:17 AM, Ruben Smits
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Some time ago I released rtt_ros_integration, rtt_ros_comm,
> rtt_common_mgs for Fuerte. The debs however are still not availabe. I
> tracked this down to rtt_ros_integration not being build due to the
> missing dependency of the orocos_toolchain:
> + cat
> + '[' rtt_ros_integration == metapackages ']'
> + bash /home/rosbuild/hudson/workspace/ros-fuerte-rtt-ros-integration_binarydeb_precise_amd64/build.bash
> [rtt_ros_integration] ignoring dependency [common_msgs], possible catkin-ized
> [orocos_toolchain] ignoring dependency [ros], possible catkin-ized
> [rtt_ros_integration] ignoring dependency [ros_comm], possible catkin-ized
> [build_debs]: loading distro file from
> [build_debs]: Attempting to build: rtt_ros_integration
> [build_debs]: Skipping rtt_ros_integration (2.6.0-0) since
> dependencies not built: set(['ros-fuerte-orocos-toolchain'])
> [build_debs]: FAILURE: None
> orocos-toolchain however is already successfully released including
> debs for Fuerte, so I do not understand why the rtt_* debs are not
> being build.
> Can anyone shed a light on this?

Would it help to trigger a build if we just re-released orocos-toolchain again ?

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Tully Foote
(650) 475-2827