Hi Everyone, 

Today we have released a new version of the OpenNI libraries into the ROS debian packages.  These new libraries have been noteably more stable in our testing.  

In particular you will find that the ROS openni packages now depend on libopenni-dev and libopenni-sensor-primesense-dev where the packages used to be openni-dev and nite-dev.  

Because these packages are brought in from upstream and are not ABI compatible this requires a simultaneous release of electric, fuerte, and groovy packages to keep compatibility.  The new and old packages conflict with each other and cannot be installed at the same time.  This means that when you update or install the new drivers it will require you to remove the old drivers.  This may prompt you to delete packages from another distro at the same time, to overcome you can ask apt to install/upgrade the other distros at the same time.  

The easiest way to get this update is to do the following:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

If you have any issues upgrading please ask on answers.ros.org with the tag openni.

Many thanks to everyone who helped test and deploy this including: Jochen, Radu, Jon, Vincent, and Chad.  It has involved a lot of testing and required that all packages from Electric Fuerte and Groovy be able to be synced simultaneously.   


PS There were also 3 to 18 patch releases also bundled into this release.