I'm just about starting on a project involving ROS on a PandaBoard.

I already tried compiling it from sources on another ARM based board, but something in the ros_comm library wasn't compatible.
Anything running on that board triggered buffer overruns both transmitting and receiving.

I hoped being the Panda a much more modern platform running a normal Ubuntu, I wouldn't incur in such problems.

Now I fear I may be wrong.
What's a SIG and why do you need that?


Tully Foote <tfoote@willowgarage.com> wrote:

Hi Everyone, 

There has been quite a bit of interest in running ROS on ARM architecture processors. I know of many people using ROS on ARM processors.  There is now instructions for installing ROS on the Raspberry Pi [1] [2] form source.  Thanks to everyone who's contributed to those installation instructions.  

There are lots of additional steps possible for the Raspberry Pi specifically, such as extending the debian package buiding infrastructure to support armhf or developing good instructions for cross compiling. (Compiling natively is slow but simpler.) 

Likewise I'm aware of several people using ROS on other ARM based platforms such as Gumstix, BeagleBoards and PandaBoards as well as others.  

With the number of people using ROS on these processors it would be great to share with the community what people are working on and where they would like to see things go forward.  

This might develop into it's own SIG going forward or potentially join the embedded SIG. [3] 

So if anyone is using ROS on ARM or would like to do so.  Please share your use case(s) and hopefully we can get a group of people together to collaborate to build up support for ROS on ARM.  


[1] http://www.ros.org/wiki/groovy/Installation/Raspbian/Source
[2] http://ros.org/wiki/ROSberryPi/Setting%20up%20ROS%20on%20RaspberryPi
[3] http://www.ros.org/wiki/sig/Embedded