Incognito Iguana

(Just to show there are no rules)

On Jan 13, 2013 7:41 PM, "Tully Foote" <> wrote:
With ROS Groovy Galapagos out the door and plans getting underway for Hydro Medusa, it's time to start brainstorming the full name for I Turtle.

As past names have shown, there are no rules to this process.

Please provide suggestions and comments. 

-- Your friendly ROS naming committee

Past names and codenames:
Boxturtle -- boxturtle
C Turtle -- cturtle
Diamondback  -- diamondback
Electric Emys -- electric
Fuerte -- fuerte
Groovy Galapagos -- groovy
Hydro Medusa -- hydro

Our usual starting points are these two lists, I've collated them below:

Impressed tortoise: Manouria impressa (Testudinidae)
Inagua slider: Trachemys stejnegeri malonei (Emydidae)
Indian black turtle: Melanochelys trijuga (Geoemydidae)
Indian eyed turtle: Morenia petersi (Geoemydidae)
Indian roofed turtle: Kachuga tecta (Geoemydidae)
Indian roofed turtle: Pangshura tecta (Geoemydidae)
Indian softshell turtle: Aspideretes gangeticus (Trionychidae)
Indian spotted turtle: Geoclemys hamiltonii (Geoemydidae)
Indian star tortoise: Geochelone elegans (Testudinidae)
Indian tent turtle: Kachuga tentoria tentoria (Geoemydidae)
Indian tent turtle: Pangshura tentoria tentoria (Geoemydidae)

Indotestudo elongata - Elongated Tortoise
Indotestudo forstenii - Forsten's Tortoise
Indotestudo travancorica - Travancore Tortoise

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