On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Dirk Thomas <dthomas@willowgarage.com> wrote:
As I wrote: that is an argument which we do NOT support for the mentioned reasons.

What about the others, then?

`catkin init`:
    mkdir -p .catkin/build .catkin/install .catkin/devel
    catkin_make  --build .catkin/build --src . --install .catkin/install
`catkin cmake [cmake_args]`:
    cd /path/to/ws/.catkin/build && cmake /path/to/ws $cmake_args
`catkin make [make_args]`:
    cd /path/to/ws/.catkin/build && make $make_args
`catkin ninja [ninja_args]`:
    cd /path/to/ws/.catkin/build && ninja $ninja_args
`catkin source`:
    source /path/to/ws/.catkin/devel/setup.sh


Jonathan Bohren
PhD Student
Dynamical Systems and Control Laboratory
Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics
The Johns Hopkins University

(707) 520-4736